Answering Common Questions about Attending Caribbean Medical Schools

Choosing a medical school to attend can be an arduous task because there are many different factors that will need to be considered to find the right match for you. However, many students make the mistake of overlooking the opportunities that are offered by Caribbean medical universities. After having the following couple of questions answered, you should be better able to determine if these medical schools will meet your needs and wants. 

Will You Be Required to Learn Another Language?

Medical school is infamous for being extremely challenging, and you may be concerned that you will need to learn another language to attend a foreign medical school. However, it should be noted that English is one of the more widely spoken languages throughout the Caribbean, and in addition to making this area a convenient destination for tourists, this also makes the region an excellent option for those wanting to study in a tropical setting. 

While students are encouraged to learn the local language, this is more for personal enrichment than functionality. To foster this growth, there are often evening cultural enrichment courses that students can take, but these are almost always optional for the students. 

Are Your Clinical Experience Options Limited?

There is a common notion that if you attend school in the Caribbean, your only options for clinical experience will be in the islands. Luckily, this is not correct because these schools usually have partnership programs with American hospitals. This allows the student to enjoy the  tropical setting while they undergo their classroom training while still enjoying the professional benefits of access to the American healthcare system. 

However, it should be noted that you may need to complete additional paperwork when applying for your residency, and the process may take somewhat longer. As a result, you will typically need to start the application process several months earlier than your American counterparts. Sadly, the exact documents and forms you will need to submit will vary based on the country where your school is located, but your school should have the resources needed to help guide you through this process.

Choosing a medical school is a stressful process that will have profound impacts on both your quality of life for the next few years and your career opportunities after school. For those wanting to study in a tropical setting, Caribbean medical university may be the best option, and understanding that you will not need to learn another language to attend these schools and that you will still have ample options for clinical experience should help you to better consider this option. 
